Teams for projects
Teams for projects
Edu2Com is an Artificial Intelligence component for allocating teams to tasks or , based on competencies and preferences.
Edu2Com is an Artificial Intelligence component for allocating teams to tasks or , based on competencies and preferences.
Thus Edu2Com weighs both the competence-based matching quality of the team to the assigned task, and the individuals’ preferences over the several tasks, and then provides a team allocation to tasks in a faster way.
Thus Edu2Com weighs both the competence-based matching quality of the team to the assigned task, and the individuals’ preferences over the several tasks, and then provides a team allocation to tasks in a faster way.
FormS to assess personality, competencies and preferences
FormS to assess personality, competencies and preferences
Participants in the "Artificial Intelligence applied to the Industry" training course AI4all can enter this Google Form to do a self assessment. Information provides by the participants that will allow the Edu2Com algorithm recommends the best team to a predefined set of innovation projects.